I'm a Professor in the Computer Science Department at the Ecole Polytechnique (DIX), 3A Manager, Manager of the AI Trust Chair, X Crédit Agricole Manager, Manager of the AI and Optimization for Mobility X-SNCF Chair and Scientific Manager for industrial relations in the Computer Science Department and Laboratory at the Ecole Polytechnique (DIX and LIX).
My research focuses on the development of decision support tools for complex industrial problems, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Operations Research (OR), Network Optimization, hybrid approaches between AI and OR for future ethical, sustainable and trusted AI systems.
I am in charge of the GdT OR (Optimisation des Réseaux) working group and the REST (Réseaux Energie Services et Transports ) research axis of the GDROD of the CNRS and a member of the GDROD scientific council of the CNRS.
🔥 News
- 2024.10: Keynote au "Google Responsible AI Summit".
- 2024.09: Signing ceremony for the AI and Optimization for Mobility Chair between École Polytechnique and SNCF. See article here.
- 2024.06: Round table "AI at the heart of collective, societal and environmental responsibility" at Rencontres numériques by CA organized at Crédit Agricole's St Quentin en Yvelines site
- 2024.06: Artificial, generative or regenerative intelligence" round table at UNESCO.
- 2024.04: Keynote "AI Safety and Responsibility Research Event" organized by Google Research in Paris.
- 2024.03: Signing ceremony for the IA Chair in Trust and Responsibility between École Polytechnique and Crédit Agricole. See article here.
- 2023.11: Conference AIvolution organized at the European Parliament.
📝 Selected Publications
- Predicting and analyzing memorization within fine-tuned Large Language Models. Arxiv Preprint - September, 2024.
- Cutting planes for signomial programming. Accepted to SIOPT, 2024.
- Branch and price for submodular bin packing. EURO Journal on Computational Optimization, 2023.
- Branch‐and‐price for energy optimization in multi‐hop wireless sensor networks. Networks, 2022.
- Optimal deployment of virtual network functions for securing telecommunication networks against distributed denial of service attacks: a robust optimization approach. Computers & Operations Research, 2022.
- Optimization in Wireless Networks. Encyclopedia of Optimization, 2022.
- Urban Air Mobility. Encyclopedia of Optimization, 2022.
- Exploring AI approaches to improve the resolution of unsplittable multicommodity flow problems in wireless networks. SEIO’22, 2022.
- Integer Formulation for Computing Transaction Aggregation to Detect Credit Card Fraud. CTW-Workshop on Graph Theory and Combinatorial Optimization, 2020.
- Virtual network functions placement for defense against distributed denial of service attacks. 8th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems, 2019.
- Network synthesis under survivability constraints. Quarterly Journal of the Belgian, French and Italian Operations Research Societies.
🎖 Awards
- Research Award and Innovation Award. Telecom Valley Association, Sophia Antipolis. ALOES Orange Innovation Project